Welcome to the James A. Michener Society!

Shortly before his death in 1997, James Michener designated the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) as the home of the bulk of his writing and publishing legacy, including books, correspondence, photographs, manuscripts and much more. The James A. Michener Society was formed in the fall of 1998 and is composed of people who share a common interest in James Michener's life and work. The Society holds an annual meeting in the fall, usually held at a venue associated with Mr. Michener’s writings, and invites discussion of his literary canon through membership, social media, and the annual meeting. Membership in the James A. Michener Society is open to all. Dues are used to support a student employee specifically assigned to work on the James A. Michener Special Collection.

*If you are unaffiliated with UNC, please feel free to check out as a guest and not create an account.

For more information, please visit the Society’s website, michenersociety.com, its Facebook page, and the James A. Michener Special Collection. Correspondence may be sent to Professor Emerita [email protected]

Welcome to the James A. Michener Society!


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